Full program description
Program Details
Duration: 4-10 Weeks
Commitment: 2-4 Hours per week (suggested)
Course Type: Independent Study
Requirements: None
Textbook: In courses where textbooks are required, the course details page provides the author and/or title.

Professor Aren Jurel
Professor of the History
Professor Jurel has been teaching science at the university level for over thirty years. Professor Jurel won the dean's award for distinguished teaching in 2013 and 2014.
Aren has a lifelong interest in American History. Join him on this brief learning experience to rediscover the past.

Dr. Mildred Gordon
Associate Professor of Science
Professor Gordon is an experienced research scientist who brings a lifetime of experience to the classroom. With a colorful history of work and life in research, Professor Gordon engages her students in discovering the personal stories of the great researchers she and they admire.
✎ American History 101
This course is a short 5 week review course that covers US History from 1775 to 1791, including the Declaration of Independence, Revolution, Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Participants in this course will be able to describe key elements of American history during the American Revolution. They will be able to explain the following:
- What influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?
- What events led up and triggered the American Revolution?
- What do the American people gain via the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution? What rights are Americans granted via the Bill of Rights?
✎ Intro to Biology
This course is designed for pre-college and returning college students preparing for introductory biology courses. We will study class topics in depth at our virtual desks and then perform an experiment at our home laboratory to more deeply explore that topic.
The class is structured around two distinct areas: the classroom and the laboratory. We will study class topics in depth at our virtual desks and then perform an experiment at our home laboratory to more deeply explore that topic.
- Unit 1: Introduction to the Laboratory
- Unit 2: Introduction to the Scientific Method
- Unit 3: Logical Fallacies in Science
- Unit 4: Ecology
Students will also learn about safety in the science laboratory, microscope and virtual microscopy, and how to start and maintain a scientific notebook.
This program is designed so that students can self-select courses in a variety of disciplines and explore the types of learning activities and variety of instructional used at the university. We aim to provide a real experience so students are expected to demonstrate the productivity, self-guided study and critical thinking skills we expect to see when they are enrolled full time.